.FYI Domain Registration
The most popular domain name extension, available for $19.99/year
.FYI Pricing
TLD | 1 Year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Sole .FYI registration | $19.99 | $39.98 | $59.97 | $79.96 | $99.95 | $119.94 | $139.93 | $159.92 | $179.91 | $199.90 |
TLD Details
TLD | Registrar-Lock | Transfers | Edit WHOIS | ID Protect | Registration Period |
.FYI | yes | yes (EPP) | yes | yes | 1-10 years |
Registering .FYI Domain Names
Finding the right domain name is difficult - nowadays there are many millions of .COM domain name already registered. And you need your domain name to sound catchy, so that visitors could remember it if they visit it just once. You also would like it to convey the nature of your sites from a single look. Using a .FYI domain name you will be able to have all of that. The .FYI domain extension was introduced for public registration just recently, which means that there are plenty of appealing domain names to choose from. Furthermore, it's more appealing and you can create creative combos that can be instantly remembered by your potential customers.
With My Supreme Center you could purchase a .FYI domain name for only $19.99 per year.
.FYI Domain Management with My Supreme Center
My Supreme Center is here to help you see how domain name administration will be evolved from a a time and effort taking duty to a simple task. With the Domain Manager interface, provided free of charge with every new domain registration, you'll have the capability to manage everything relevant to your domains (DNS records, WHOIS details, etcetera) by using an intuitive interface. And not only that - our Domain Manager is designed to work with many domain names at the same time, enabling you to command your domains from a single location.
For those who have a hosting account with us, you will be able to manage your websites as well as your domain names without having to to exit the Control Panel.